Facebook drama “The Social Network,” 1974’s indie horror classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and Patrick Swayze and ...
"The Social Network" (2010) Like the Akira Kurosawa classic "Rashomon," "The Social Network" uses competing points of view to decipher the origins of Facebook, as told through legal depositions ...
We also chatted about future projects and the potential for a wider social network cinematic universe. Below is a summary of our conversation. Anhar Karim: So, were there certain parts of your ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Anhar Karim covers movies, TV, and the rise of the creator economy. “David comes really from the Hitchcock school in that he really does ...
“The Social Network,” the story of the creation ... by author Ben Mezrich and was released in theaters back in 2010. In order to qualify for NFR preservation, a film must be at least 10 ...
David Fincher’s 2010 Facebook drama “The Social Network,” 1974’s indie horror classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s Catskills-set love affair ...