The Navy said that the "Murder Hornet" configuration on its F/A-18 fighter jet is comprised of nine air-to-air missiles.
The United States Navy maintains an edge when it comes to sheer numerical superiority over most nations. When you have ...
In 2014, the US Navy installed its first prototype SSL (solid state laser) capable of countering surface craft and unmanned ...
The US Navy’s HELIOS laser weapon, a cutting-edge directed energy system, has demonstrated its potential in recent tests, ...
The US Navy successfully tested its new laser weapon mounted on a warship. The dramatic photo above depicts the High Energy ...
The Ghadr-380 has a range of over 1,000km and anti-jamming capability, and can be launched from an underground base.
The United States has been attempting to develop a next-generation guided missile destroyer for over 30 years. Despite the ...
On the last in Russia's Kirov-class cruiser named Admiral Nakhimov has launched two nuclear reactors. This is a sure sign ...
There simply are not enough young people going to work in America’s shipyards. Could legal immigrants fill in for them?
A military operation against a tiny neighbor would destroy US credibility in Latin America and provide a boost for China and ...
General Ali Reza Tangsiri warned that cruise missiles could "create a hell for the enemy's warships," state TV reported.
The new US president has vowed to ‘take back’ the waterway, but there’s much more to this modern wonder than meets the eye ...