Urdu Ghar brought home rare texts including Masnavi, Dariya-e-Ishq, Diwan-e-Haftum, Kulliyat-e-Mir from different parts of ...
Arun Kamal is presently immersed in the writing of five distinct upcoming literary works. These encompass a compilation of his poetry book, a collection of insightful literary essays, a series of ...
The 151st death anniversary of classical Urdu poet Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib was observed on Saturday. Ghalib wrote hundreds of Ghazals during his life which have since been interpreted and sung in ...
Jamshedpur: Literary organization Urdu Bhavan hosted a special ... The evening featured the cutting of a cake in Ghalib’s memory and a gathering of sher-o-shayari. Dr. Mohammad Reyaz, Principal ...
Ghalib died on February 15, 1869, but he remains an enduring figure in Urdu literature. He is considered one of the greatest Urdu poets of all time. He wrote in Persian and Urdu, and his poetry is ...
Through timeless Urdu poetry and heartfelt stories, we explore how poets have captured the longing for ghar, the warmth it offers, and the solace it brings. From the nostalgia of childhood homes ...
one of Urdu literature`s most iconic poets. Real name Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan, popularly known as Ghalib (meaning conqueror), his poetry remains popular not only in the Indian subcontinent but also ...
By the 19th and 20th centuries, the city had become synonymous with Urdu poetry and literature, thanks to the contributions of illustrious residents such as Shad Azimabadi, Bismil Azimabadi, and ...
Mirza Ghalib Ghazal is best way to express your words and emotion. Check out the amazing collection of express your feeling in words. This section is based on a huge data of all the latest Mirza ...
Mirza Ghalib Nazm is best way to express your words and emotion. Check out the amazing collection of express your feeling in words. This section is based on a huge data of all the latest Mirza Ghalib ...