The fierce shark teeth on some warplanes have their roots in World Wars I and II, and they continue on today. Here's why ...
“Combat art provides an immediacy to the viewer," said Tiffany Reed Silverman, the director of fine arts at The Citadel. "You ...
The U.S. Marine Corps’ fleet of aircraft includes several of the most iconic that have taken to the skies in the U.S.
The voluntary survey is open to all active-duty Marines and Marines on active-duty operational support orders and aims to “to ...
The Marine Corps is working to break out of the ground-combat box the Global War on Terror wedged them into, but whether ...
The Marine Corps commandant says there's no chance of beards in the ranks “because we’re Marines and we’re different.” ...
The Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeuene has received a shipment of four new Amphibious Combat Vehicles (ACVs) arrived at 2d Assault Amphibian Battalion, 2d Marine D ...
A Marine assigned to the Corps’ Air Ground Combat Center in California, known as Twentynine Palms, faces a murder charge after arriving at a local hospital last weekend with his injured wife ...
This is how a 5-foot-4 immigrant from the Philippines survived the Marine Corps' 13-week boot camp.
As a Native American photographer, the late Dugan Aguilar loved nothing more than to show Native American faces. “I see ...