Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the state exported goods worth USD 92.8 million to Japan in 2023-24 and expressed hope for important investments from Japan in Madhya Pradesh.
January 26 marked the 325th anniversary since the last earthquake struck the Cascadia subduction zone. Centuries later, the ...
Don’t worry: It’s general enough to apply to the rest of Japan. But for busy people, here’s a summary of things you should know about what to do before, during and after an earthquake in Japan.
A re-examination of the 2015 Bonin Islands earthquake disproved earlier claims of a record-breaking deep aftershock in the ...
The magnitude 7.9 Bonin Islands earthquake sequence, which ruptured deep within the earth near the base of the upper mantle, did not include an aftershock that extended to record depths into the lower ...
It remains one of the most notable seismic events in the state's history . Earthquakes occur when energy stored in the Earth's crust is suddenly released, typically due to the movement of ...
The most significant earthquakes centered in New Hampshire in recorded history occurred four days apart on Dec. 20, 1940, and Dec. 24, 1940, and each had the same strength. The 5.6-magnitude ...
BOSTON - An earthquake felt in Boston, Massachusetts today was centered off York Harbor, Maine according to the United States Geological Survey. It was also felt in New Hampshire and Rhode Island ...
The earthquake, which measured a 3.8 on the earthquake magnitude scale, was centered just off the Maine coast but felt by some in the New Bedford area. But the earthquake, which lasted only a few ...