This multitude of small, not very round objects are thought to be fragments of larger moons that broke apart in collisions ...
With the new spottings, Saturn has usurped Jupiter which has 95 known moons, while Uranus (28) and Neptune (16) remain third ...
The number of known moons in our Solar System has been rising for centuries, but astronomers say it has probably peaked – for ...
Saturn and Jupiter, the two gas giants, have long vied for the title of “moon king.” Over the years, astronomers have been ...
The sheer number of objects suggests scientists will soon have to grapple with what counts as a moon versus what’s just a ...
An international team of astronomers working with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope have discovered a whopping 128 more ...
Even before the recently announced moons, Saturn had more than anyone could reasonably keep track of. Now, astronomers have ...
Not that it was a competition, but Saturn surpassed Jupiter in known moons a few years ago. Now the giant planet may never ...
Saturn just solidified its title as ‘moon king’ with an updated tally of 274 satellites orbiting the gas giant. The ...