The Declaration of Value (D.V.) is an official document, written in Italian, which describes a qualification awarded to a specific person by an institution belonging to an educational system other ...
Il 9 settembre 2024, presso l’auditorium dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino, si è tenuto il workshop “From Feed to ...
2024年9月9日,“从饲料到食品—探索农业食品链的演变:挑战与机遇”研讨会在意大利驻华使馆文化处多功能厅举行。此次活动吸引了众多学生、教师和业内专家的参与,对当代最紧迫的挑战 ...
在结束短暂的上海之行后,意大利教育、大学与研究部部长贾尼尼(Stefania Giannini)于今日开始了对北京的访问。在意大利驻华大使谢国谊的陪同下,贾尼尼部长抵达北京,先会见了法国驻华 ...