We may think of globalism as a recent development but its origins date back to the fifteenth century and beyond, when seafarers pioneered routes across the oceans with the objectives of exploration, ...
Does anybody know where I can find good translations of the poems of Gorch Fock, aka Johann Kinau, who served on the SMS Wiesbaden during the Battle of Jutland. I am particularly interested in his ...
Hello – I hope this request is ok for this forum. I’m from Brisbane, Australia and a SNR Member and looking for the crew list for the ship Maxwell which made a voyage from London to Melbourne in 1861 ...
I’ve had an interesting query from Pamela Hickey. Can anyone help? We are making models of the Spanish Armada ships. We researched which flags were flown by the Spanish fleet and have come across many ...
I am looking into the activities of the Russian Baltic Fleet while it was based at Chatham for about 18 months in 1812-14 during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. The fleet of 18 ships of the line and ...
Terence Grocott’s “Shipwrecks of the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Eras” (Chatham, 1997) is invaluable. It’s not searchable by location but once you have your wreck it will provide the details from one ...
Nicholas, Thanks for your input, Nelson certainly had a watch, but how accurate it is I don’t know. I just don’t understand how different ships logbooks can be so different for the same event at ...
Mark, you are correct, I altered it by inserting an electric candle lamp and bulb. i also lined it with shear, pleated fabric for decorative purposes. It was badly tarnished and obviously old and ...
There is no trace of a John Huey in the comprehensive lists of those who were present at the battle = ...
I’ve had the following query from Polly Malby – Can anyone help? While living in the Falkland Islands in the late 1970s, we purchased a beautiful, brass ship’s lantern. The only identifying ...
For ‘Albemarle’ (another Camden, Calvert & King ship) read ‘Admiral Barrington’ a mistake on my part in writing this up.