Australia’s coastal regions face a mounting threat of rising sea levels. With over 85% of Australians living within 50 km of the coast, the financial toll could drown both communities and budgets. A ...
Our Careers website is currently unavailable for technical reasons. We are working to get this fixed and back up ASAP. Please direct your inquiries to our recruitment team. We apologize for any ...
Pallavi Lal, Hatch’s global director, Vehicles and Operations, has more than 23 years of experience in the rail transportation industry and calls Hatch’s Ambler office her home base. Pallavi came to ...
The rising demand for electric vehicles, means that demand for Lithium-ion batteries used in EVs and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Lithium is a core element in ...
The Infosys-Hatch partnership leverages industry expertise, business and client knowledge for digital adoption, fostering mutual support and progress. On the technology front, Infosys offers ...
Engineering, construction, and delivery of a facility is the first step towards delivering the original business case that attracts funding. Being able to rapidly and sustainably ramp up the facility ...
Global trends for a low-emission environment has required the search for alternative power sources, such as green hydrogen. When industrial processes are combined with renewable energy sources in the ...
While offering significant development potential, complex economic and planning factors have hindered the long-planned development ambitions for vacant harbor land in central Belfast. To unlock ...
Health and safety is at the core of everything we do. It's more than just managing risks—we make safety a front-of-mind issue for everyone, building a strong safety culture for employees, partners, ...
The primary sources of CO2 emissions for a medium to high complexity oil refinery are the power, steam, hydrogen production; fluid catalytic cracking (FCC); heaters; and compressor units that form ...
In today’s fast-paced world, digital technology and disruptive design is rapidly changing the way we work, from enabling informed decisions earlier in the project life cycle to increasing efficiencies ...
The first bridge construction project to adopt the IPD model in North America. IPD projects aim to connect all partners together from the onset to set shared goals and maintain shared accountability ...