Mientras DeepSeek de China amenaza con romper el monopolio de la inteligencia artificial de Silicon Valley, ha surgido una alianza europea con una alternativa al orden tecnológico global. El proyecto ...
While China's DeepSeek threatens to break Silicon Valley's artificial intelligence monopoly, a European alliance with an alternative to the global technology order has emerged. They call the project ...
OpenAI je predstavio "Deep Research", novu sposobnost agenta u ChatGPT-u koja nam daje potpuno novi način korištenja najpopularnijeg chatbota na svijetu. U priopćenju za javnost, OpenAI tvrdi da Deep ...
OpenAI has introduced "Deep Research", a new agent capability in ChatGPT that gives us a completely new way to use the world's most popular chatbot. In a press release, OpenAI claims that Deep ...
OpenAI a introduit « Deep Research », une nouvelle fonctionnalité d'agent dans ChatGPT qui nous offre une toute nouvelle façon d'utiliser le chatbot le plus populaire au monde. Dans un communiqué de ...
OpenAI hat „Deep Research“ eingeführt, eine neue Agentenfunktion in ChatGPT, die uns eine völlig neue Möglichkeit bietet, den beliebtesten Chatbot der Welt zu nutzen. In einer Pressemitteilung ...
OpenAI ha introducido “Deep Research”, una nueva capacidad de agente en ChatGPT que nos brinda una forma completamente nueva de utilizar el chatbot más popular del mundo. En un comunicado de prensa, ...
OpenAI ha introdotto "Deep Research", una nuova funzionalità dell'agente in ChatGPT che ci offre un modo completamente nuovo di utilizzare il chatbot più popolare al mondo. In un comunicato stampa, ...
睡觉、吃饭、散步、跑步、玩游戏……我平时闲暇时做的所有事情,在过去一个月里都戴着新款华为 FreeBuds Pro 4 耳机做。 这 ...
Ovo je treća godina kako nosim Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2. Da budem iskrena, ne želim ih se odreći jer su stvorene za moje uši. Laboratorij Huawei otkrio je da na svijetu postoji 10.000 različitih tipova ...
Sleeping, eating, walking, running, playing games... Everything I usually do in my free time, I've been doing with the new Huawei FreeBuds Pro 4 headphones for the past month. This is the third year I ...
Considering that 55 inches (139 cm) is one of the more popular diagonals, you can imagine what kind of "monster" was sitting in front of me. But this is far from their largest TV. At this year's CES ...