Lottery experts say there are avenues for the state to claw back money from a $95 million lottery jackpot if it’s found to ...
A woman who won an $83.5 million lottery jackpot in Texas last month is still waiting for her payout as officials sort out ...
A Fort Worth resident bagged $3 million from a lucky Texas Lottery ticket. The resident, who remains anonymous, claimed a ...
A Powerball ticket sold in Texas won $50,000 but just missed the $462 million jackpot, lottery officials say. The ticket ...
Texas Lottery officials are withholding a recent winner's $83.5 million jackpot following a newly instated ban on online ...
A Texas woman who won $83.5 million in a lottery jackpot is still waiting for her payout while officials sort out whether the ...
Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick said state agencies are taking too many liberties and need to communicate better with the ...
The winning numbers in Thursday evening’s drawing of the "Texas Pick 3 Night" game were: ...
Texas Rangers and Attorney General Ken Paxman are investigating the ‘suspicious’ win after the ticket was purchased through ...
A Texas woman who won a $83.5 million jackpot may never see her winnings as officials investigate the drawing.
The winning numbers in Thursday evening’s drawing of the "Texas Daily 4 Evening" game were: ...
A New Jersey Lottery player said a dream inspired them to buy a ticket that led to their winning a $1.5 million jackpot.