The First World War is renowned for its massive Battles fought on an industrial scale, particularly the grinding stalemate that was the Western front. Places like Verdun, the Somme, and Passendale, ...
THIS story is part of a series about military veterans laid to rest at Dungog General Cemetery by Dungog RSL sub-Branch ...
Sitting in Oakleigh's Eaton Mall recently sipping my frappe and watching the passing parade, I wondered how many of my fellow ...
Erich Maria Remarque’s novel of World War I presented an unvarnished portrait of modern combat as chaotic nightmare.
During World War One, the millions of soldiers who fought on the Western Front were supported by labourers and medical staff. As many soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme, British military ...
Adrian Maasz is trying to identify the officers in the picture he bought in a charity shop An archivist has helped solve at least some of the mystery surrounding a World War One picture bought in ...
At first journalists were not allowed to report from the Western Front. Many found secret ways to travel there. One journalist, Basil Clarke, hid on a train full of French soldiers. In April 1915 ...
A cathedral archivist has helped solve at least some of the mystery surrounding a World War One picture bought in a charity shop ... since he bought the photo in 2018. Now an archivist from Durham ...
Innovative WW1 titles like Ad Infinitum & The Great War: Western Front offer unique gameplay experiences and storytelling. Games like Tannenberg & Rise Of Flight authentically immerse players in ...
He is author of The Great War (2013); Gallipoli (2011); The Somme: The Darkest Hour on the Western Front (2009); and 1918: A Very British Victory (2008). This story was originally published in the ...