In To the Success of Our Hopeless Cause, historian Benjamin Nathans sheds light on how the protest movement reinvented itself at key junctures and eventually to great effect.
Putin finds himself in an ‘emperor-has-no-clothes’ moment, and the regime is destroying the country ‘by not making a deal.’
On November 3rd, 1957, the Soviet Union made history by launching the first living creature into Earth’s orbit: not a human, but a dog. This journey aboard the Soviet spacecraft, Sputnik 2, marked a monumental milestone in space exploration, yet it came at a profound cost.
The Russian president celebrated his 50th birthday at a winery in Moldova. After the invasion of Ukraine, it moved the bottles he was given away from public view.
Going back to the days of the Cold War, many Africans studied in the Soviet Union and later Russia. They’re now among Russia’s biggest boosters.
In the early 1950s, the United States faced a critical intelligence challenge in its burgeoning competition with the Soviet Union. Outdated German reconnaissance photos from World War II could no longer provide sufficient intelligence about Soviet military capabilities,
Armenia's government on Thursday gave approval to a bill that calls for the country, once part of the Soviet Union, to launch a bid to join the European Union. Armenia has in recent years deepened ties with the West at the expense of its traditionally close relations with Moscow,
The Gulag, established after the Bolsheviks took control of Russia in 1917, was the governmental body responsible for the extensive prison and labor camp network in the Soviet Union. It reached its height of power between the 1930s and early 1950s under Stalin's rule.
Fact-Check: A set of three images have gone viral to falsely claim that they show unseen images of former PM Indira Gandhi. However, they are AI-generated.
Nina L. Khrushcheva explores how the Kremlin relies on an idealized version of the past to comfort – and subdue – the public.
History reminds us that the viciousness of authoritarianism only strengthens the artist’s hand.
Some observers have approvingly claimed that the second Trump administration heralds a realist revival in American foreign policy. Writing in Foreign Affairs, Robert O’Brien, who served as national security adviser in the first Trump administration, eagerly promised “the return of realism with a Jacksonian flavor.”