Cary Grant and Alfred Hitchcock worked on four movies together, including the seminal North by Northwest. Which of their ...
Vertigo, North by Northwest, and Psycho are among the Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock's most important works.
The movie poster is spot on naming this Hitchcock's masterpiece. Jimmy Stewart gives a great performance in the last of the four films he did for Alfred Hitchcock. Kim Novak, who looks beautiful in ...
it's possible they were getting confused with another Hitchcock movie Number 17 Alfred Hitchcock was originally hired as assistant director, but when the producer got into an argument with the ...
The set includes Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho and The Birds and15 hours of bonus ...
Alfred Hitchcock may never have won a Best Director Oscar, but he is still one of the all-time iconic filmmakers. He’s known for being the “Master of Suspense,” but he’s also known for ...
The 50-year filmmaking career of Alfred Hitchcock began in the silent era ... like "Jaws," "Taxi Driver" and "Obsession." Those three movies perfectly reflected the full range of Hitch's work.
The Iconic Film Collection includes six Hitchcock classics and is only available in limited quantities.
It is here that Hitchcock is able to craft one of his greatest heroes, as Barry has all the ethical values that define him as ...
We look back at the female leads in some of Alfred Hitchcock's most iconic films. Over his long career as one of Hollywood's most celebrated directors, Hitchcock worked with a host of legendary ...
My Name is Alfred Hitchcock, 2022. Directed by Mark Cousins. Starring Alistair McGowan. SYNOPSIS: I imagine that hardcore ...
Roger Ebert wasn't writing reviews when Alfred Hitchcock was at the peak of his career, but he loved this film so much that he returned to it decades after its release.