The Tamil movie Bad Girl, produced by Vetri Maaran and Anurag Kashyap, faced backlash for its portrayal of Brahmins. Actress Shanthi Priya defended it, emphasizing its aim to spark conversation.
Tamil film Bad Girl starring Anjali Sivaraman is currently making headlines. Directed by Varsha Bharath and produced by Vetri ...
Actor Shanthi Priya defended the film Bad Girl against criticism from director Mohan G Kshatriyan. She said that the film intends to highlight societal issues rather than target specific communities.
Vetri Maaran and Anurag Kashyap-backed Bad Girl, directed by Varsha Bharath, is a coming-of-age drama about a teenager, whose ...
The teaser of the film has faced criticism from numerous netizens and figures within the film industry, who have expressed ...
Bad Girl, the bold Tamil movie by Varsha Bharath, starring Anjali Sivaraman, is making waves at the International Film ...
The teaser of the Tamil coming-of-age drama, Bad Girl, presented by ace filmmakers Anurag Kashyap and Vetri Maaran, has ...
Offended by the teaser of Bad Girl, a coming-of-age film directed by debutant Varsha Bharath, the Hindu right-wing and others ...
The teaser of 'Bad Girl', backed by directors Vetrimaaran and Anurag Kashyap, sparked controversy due to its portrayal of a ...
The teaser for Bad Girl was recently released ahead of its premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam on January 31, 2025. However, it quickly sparked controversy, with many accusing the ...