Arduino works on a lot of different chips, though, and after a few months, [Jan] turned an Arduino Due into a Commodore 64 emulator. [Jan]’s code isn’t limited to the DUE, and can be used with ...
Now, Olimex has released a new Raspberry Pi board designed to capitalize on its retro emulation abilities while also adding support for Apple II, Oric, and Commodore 64 emulators. The Raspberry Pi ...
Mobile developer Manomio is releasing a Commodore Amiga emulator and TouchArcade has the first hands-on. Manomio also developed the Commodore 64 emulator for iOS that was originally rejected from the ...
Want to take a trip down memory lane? The Internet Archive has launched a Commodore 64 emulator, complete with 10,500 programs. In theory, each piece of software (including several classic games ...