Newswatch 16's Kerry Kearns spoke with a medical expert about why health screenings like colonoscopies are essential.
It’s colon cancer awareness month and that’s especially important to know your risk, since Iowa and Scott county have higher ...
KXAN's Avery Travis and Will DuPree sit down with Dr. Daniel Zaunbrecher, a colorectal surgeon with St. David's South and ...
A NEW phone app you can use at home could detect cases of deadly skin cancer. It follows warnings that rates of the disease ...
Colorectal cancer is no longer a disease of older people. People in their 50s, 40s and younger are increasingly being ...
Here's what doctors call going into remission from a health condition and how that may look different depending on the ...
There's a lesser-known pancreatic cancer symptom that affects your legs that many people might not be wary of.
A common blood test for ovarian cancer is more likely to fall short for Black and Native American women, according to a new ...
Army bomb disposal veterans may have a significantly increased risk of developing bladder cancer compared to the general ...
The average person should begin screening for colon cancer around age 45 but consider screening earlier if you have inc ...
After being diagnosed with rectal cancer, Iona Woolmington learned she needed an ileostomy. Her experience led her to write ...
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. and cases among younger adults are rising. Early detection is ...