Peet’s Coffee has joined the free non-dairy milk club, McDonald’s has launched a new meat-free burger, Lidl is on the hunt for the best vegan cheese yet, So Delicious partners with Lollapalooza, and ...
It might have only just started to feel like spring, but hot cross buns are already in the shops and Easter eggs are practically at the end of every supermarket aisle – and yes, this includes ...
Enter: poor man's cookies. I found this recipe while searching for dairy-free and egg-free recipes. Like "Depression cake," this cookie recipe was developed in the '30s when the average family had ...
Promised Land Dairy has released a Peeps-flavored milk for a limited time ... Yes, it is sweet, I mean it's made with Peeps, but I would put on the same level as eggnog. It's also similar to eggnog in ...
Promised Land Dairy has released a Peeps-flavored milk ... but I would put on the same level as eggnog. It's also similar to eggnog in terms of thickness. I would call it dessert in a glass.