By that time Scotland had a settled kingdom and King Malcolm III, or Canmore – who had married Margaret of Wessex, sister of Edgar Ætheling, the main claimant to the English throne against William – ...
Their rightful king was the teenager Edgar AEtheling, and they were gearing up to lead the counteroffensive in his name. Rrgh! ♪ Worsley, voice-over: I'm meeting a medieval specialist to find out what ...
Also discovered at the crime scene was Lewis' boyfriend, 23-year-old Matthew Edgar. "He was found in the fetal position behind the vehicle that Lewis was found in," says MacDonough. Beside Edgar ...
Her ex-boyfriend, Matthew Edgar, said he had no memory of what happened to Lewis or how he ended up in the fetal position behind her car. About two hours before Lewis was found in her car ...
Nearby, the police found Matthew Edgar lying unharmed in a fetal position behind the car. When questioned, he claimed to have no memory of the events or how he ended up there. CBS’s episode of ’48 ...