Take it from a 91-year-old mathematician: Living a long, healthy life is like a game of probability. You want to "minimize the chance of really bad outcomes of one sort or another," Edward Thorp ...
Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www ...
Maya Ajmera, President & CEO of Society for Science & the Public and Publisher of Science News, sat down to chat with Dr. Edward Thorp — a mathematics professor, inventor, entrepreneur ...
SIR EDWARD THORPE'S lucid review of the known geological sources of potash (NATURE, January 3) is of absorbing interest to agriculturists, whose industry must be seriously affected by any ...
One of the latest lives of Paracelsus is that of Prof. J. M. Stillman, which was reviewed in these columns on August 12, 1922, by Sir Edward Thorpe.