With spring cleaning looming, we've picked out some of the best tech of 2025 to make the daunting task a whole lot easier ...
Having the right plants in your bedroom can help you get a better night's sleep and could even help you live longer ...
The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (“TFCA”) restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes. The TFCA restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes ...
Homes built in the 1970s were filled with shag carpets, wood paneling, conversation pits, and avocado-colored everything.
Some of the products included wood bleach, car wax, printing ink, soap, and laundry and dishwashing products. New report ...
The characteristics of formaldehyde-free resin include robust resistance to moisture with good adhesion properties. As such, formaldehyde-free resins are used to bind fiberglass filaments in ...
The Trump administration is looking to rewrite the way EPA evaluates dangerous existing chemicals, a move that jeopardizes ...
For decades, Republican lawmakers and industry lobbyists have tried to chip away at the small program in the Environmental ...
They’re trying to undermine the foundations for doing any kind of regulation,” said an environmental law expert.
Chiyuan Chemical's BDO unit formaldehyde circulation tower gas-phase heat recovery and utilization project successfully commenced operation, marking the world's first successful application of boosted ...
What You Need to Know in a Minute or Less - Emerging contaminants are synthetic or natural chemicals that have not been fully assessed from a ...