Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America. He will stand on the western steps ...
In our lives, we are often like Goldilocks. We make it our life’s goal to be comfortable. We want everything to be just right ...
Since Mary has been given such a place in the body of believers, it is appropriate that we turn to her and ask for her ...
For more on Joshua’s faith and leadership, see Volume 89. Then, recently in 249, we discussed Joshua’s most famous verse: “As ...
Sometimes we need reminders of how to interact with each other in the best way, and the Bible is full of wisdom on how we are ...
With his new encyclical, Pope Francis added his voice to this chorus of encouragement inviting people not to lose heart.
In the modern West, we value a gift with no strings attached because it preserves our autonomy—we aren’t beholden to anyone.
The Orthodox Church keeps January 6 for commemorating the Baptism of Christ, kept in some western churches on the Sunday ...
The only reason the church exists is because Jesus died to redeem it. And he is the focus of everything that is done in church. Through his blood, mankind is ...
Today, each of you parents and the Church herself give the greatest, greatest gift: the gift of faith to children,” Pope ...