“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Starz‘s new thriller The Couple Next Door stars Outlander heartthrob Sam Heughan as hunky motorcycle cop Danny in suburban Leeds, England. While he and his drop dead gorgeous wife Becka (Jessica De ...
The strangest thing in "Stranger Things" might just be the story of how a small-town police chief used a sword to kill a monster in a Russian prison, but there's more to this moment than meets the eye ...
Stranger Things fans discuss yet another Easter egg from the previous seasons ahead of the final installment, and this one is ...
The Duffer Brothers, creators of Netflix's hit “Stranger Things,” will receive the Variety Showrunner Award at the 13th ...
The monsters in the Stranger Things universe are what nightmares are made of. Curious to know more about them? Read on.
The time has come, folks! It’s officially the year 2025, and that means that this is the final year of Netflix’s blockbuster ...
The character of Bob Newby is one of the supporting cast members of Stranger Things.
No, Hopper does not die in Stranger Things. Stranger Things is an American horror and thriller series which is exclusive to the streaming platform Netflix. The series was released on July 15, 2016, ...
Stranger Things season 5 will wrap up the story of Vecna, Hawkins, and the Upside Down, and fans have high hopes for the ...
David Harbour (Hopper) believes the series finale of Stranger Things will satisfy fans: "It will give you that satisfaction as a fan of the show." ...
Grotesque and sinister, every monster in 'Stranger Things' is unique. Vecna, Demogorgons and more 'Stranger Things' monsters explained.