In Mumbai, Nurse Prabha's routine is troubled when she receives an unexpected gift from her estranged husband. Her younger roommate, Anu, tries in vain to find a spot in the city to be intimate ...
Pe langa florile sezoniere si arborii ornamentali, in parcul central al urbei isi face loc un mic iaz ornamental. Aflat in plina amenajare pe un amplasament din apropierea fantanii arteziene, iazul ...
Mai exact, rapperul și designerul a postat pe rețelele sociale o imagine cu soția lui complet dezbrăcată, pentru a promova un film produs de el și în care ea are rolul principal. Imaginea cu Bianca ...
Cameron Diaz was seen spending time with her and Benji Madden’s son, Cardinal, over the weekend. The “Charlie’s Angels” actress was photographed carrying the 1-year-old on her hip while ...
“But I know I’ll never get an answer that will fill the emptiness in my heart. Can’t imagine life without you by my side.” Tyga ended the note by writing: “I Love you forever mom and I ...