For the past twenty years, Type Moon’s Fate series has been a major presence in anime and games. Fate/Grand Order has been one of the biggest forces in mobile gaming, arguably responsible for ...
Fate/Samurai Remnant is an original Fate property that was a collaborative effort between Kou Shibusawa and Koei Tecmo. It focuses on the historical figure Miyamoto Iori, who becomes a Master in ...
Ivan didn't do much here. Then Jeanne, the fourth hurricane in six weeks, finished off the roofs and wood frames Frances had frazzled. A Palm Bay man drowned when his pickup truck ran into a deep ...
Following its release on the Switch eShop in July, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate has now shared a roadmap, teasing all sorts of new content. The "most exciting announcement" of the ...