The show is a musical dramedy directed by Jen Lee, featuring Young as King opposite John Demerell’s Nixon. It takes place in ...
"Nixon/King" rewrites a chapter of the civil rights movement and the 1960 presidential campaign in a purposely provocative way.
Buddy King's band had several hits in the 1960s and helped integrate popular music. The band was known for its version of ...
Kerry King released his debut solo album 'From Hell I Rise' in 2024. These four songs will get Slayer fans hooked on the axeman's solo project ...
Nearly 3,000 fans from around the world braved the cold and gathered at Graceland to mark what would have been Elvis ...
Elvis Presley rose to fame in the 1950s and is one of the biggest names in rock history. Read about his career, songs, ...
Springhouse has announced a special event to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called The Long Road: Building ...
Elvis Presley would have turned 90 this week. Hail to the King, Orlando, with dishes inspired by the pop-culture icon’s ...
One of the first musicians to interpret the “Star Spangled Banner” in a way that displayed a Black consciousness was the ...
Co-founding guitarist of legendary thrash-metal group Slayer, Kerry King brings his new all-star band to San Francisco for the first time Wednesday night, headlining the Regency Ballroom.