The Lowell Mill Girls labored in harsh conditions, worked long hours for low wages, and lived under strict factory rules. But they didn’t just accept their fate - they fought back. Watch as we ...
Tildsley (138 pounds) and Brown (heavyweight) grew up as close friends, wrestling and playing football together. Now, they ...
Read highlights things to do, places to go and people to know in the Greater Lowell area. Have news to share? Send it to news ...
Cerretti said she has been communicating with people who have held drag shows at Mill No. 5, as well as those like Lowell’s Untitled Open Mic for possible events once the new space opens.
The Climate Cool Schools program is a collaborative sustainability initiative between the University of Massachusetts Lowell and National Grid. The program is the first and only of its kind within the ...
Gold prices have surged and with that so could small caps exposed to rising M&A, production opportunities and drilling ...
Copper retains much of the luster that lent Arizona the unofficial nickname "Copper State," and is king in rural Greenlee ...
Lowell, MA's multi-day celebration of music and ... It is named after Kerouac's earliest novel which was primarily set in this historic mill city. The Town and The City Festival is inspired ...
After getting Pebbles, you can head on down to the Lower Semine Mill to try your hand at thievery ... hour or two of play after Wedding Crashers. Lowell Bell Lowell began his freelance games ...
Thirty-year-old Pioppi, of Winthrop, is a contestant on the CBS original series, “Survivor,” premiering Wednesday, February 26, at 8pm. The reality show features 18 castaways divided into three tribes ...
Thanks to collaboration with the City of Lowell, Lowell Parks and Conser­va­tion Trust, Mass Audu­bon and Mill City Grows, a grant application was filed to utilize Lowell’s Commu­nity ...