Space exploration is no longer the domain of countries alone. It’s now rapidly becoming the domain of private interests.
Because planets always appear in a line, the alignment isn't anything out of the norm. What's less common is seeing so many bright planets at once.
The new composite image, which combines hundreds of photos from the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the Andromeda Galaxy with ...
Across the world from Aenos, Greece, to Zsekic, Hungary, dark sky parks are preserving a view of the stars for locals and tourists alike.
A radio telescope in South Africa has unearthed a giant galaxy—dubbed a "cosmic megastructure"—with plasma jets that measure ...
Our night sky is a thrilling window into the cosmos – and learning what’s up there doesn’t have to be complicated ...
The magnificent Andromeda galaxy (Messier 31), stands out as the most important nearby stellar island to our Milky Way, and ...
The easy 3-mile drive to Firehole Lake or the drive over Dunraven Pass will help you slip away from the crowds to maximize ...
Hubble Space Telescope mapped Andromeda, revealing a chaotic history shaped by mergers. A 2.5-billion-pixel mosaic shows 200 ...
In the years following the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have tallied over 1 trillion galaxies in the universe. But only one galaxy stands out as the most important nearby ...
As one of the last remaining areas in South Wales with truly dark skies, Gower National Landscape will be protected from ...