Felix Mantilla, a champion with the Milwaukee Braves who continued to make his mark on the community in retirement, has died at age 90. Mantilla was one of only a handful of players remaining from ...
the last living regular on the 1957 World Series champion and the 1958 runner-up Milwaukee Braves. Mantilla, a native of Puerto Rico who stayed in Milwaukee and left a youth-baseball legacy ...
Felix Mantilla, a one-time All-Star with the Boston Red Sox and World Series champion as a member of the Milwaukee Braves, has died at age 90. The Braves have since moved to Atlanta, but Mantilla ...
“We will forever remember Felix for his time with the Milwaukee Braves, but even more for the impact he had on thousands of children through the Felix Mantilla Little League. Our love and ...
1959 - John Quinn resigns as general manager of the Milwaukee Braves and immediately accepts a similar position with the Phillies. 1982 - Hank Aaron and Frank Robinson are elected to the Hall of Fame ...
Fans today know about Uecker’s exploits as a light-hitting catcher for his hometown Milwaukee Braves before stints in St. Louis, Philadelphia and Atlanta, but he actually began his baseball life as a ...