Even though 62% of American adults consume alcohol, alcoholic beverages aren’t required to disclose basic nutritional ...
What’s actually in the beer you’re drinking? Currently, there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive a good answer to that ...
Ultraprocessed foods that can be detrimental to your health are often disguised with seemingly-healthy labels — here's how to spot them.
Credit: Unsplash/Rachel Loughman Nutritious food is always important, whether for an infant or a senior, but it’s especially ...
Markets operate most efficiently when consumers have clear and comparable data to weigh costs and benefits. And providing ...
Food labels provide essential information about a product’s nutritional value and ingredient composition. However, many ...
Here’s how to cut through the marketing jargon and become a more informed shopper: The nutrition facts label is a regulated label on the back of food packages and is your most reliable source of ...
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News If you have been wondering what the healthiest snacks are, Anahad O’Connor with The Washington Post has done the work for you, having analyzed the nutrition ...
As we age certain factors can affect our nutrient needs. Choosing a variety of foods from all the food groups will help build ...