Fact checked by Sarah Scott Since it first premiered in 2013, PAW Patrol has been beloved by kids and parents alike. The children's television show centers on a pack of puppies, aka the PAW Patrol, ...
Jimmy Kimmel returned to his late-night show Monday and gave an emotional monologue about the devastating Los Angeles ...
Jimmy Kimmel praised the Watch Duty app, Steve Guttenberg and first responders in his first opening monologue since the start of the 'very scary' L.A. fires.
He also quipped that he feels he is now an expert on fires, even though "before this happened, most of what I knew about fire safety came from watching 'Paw Patrol.'" Kimmel was joined on Monday's ...
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. You ...
Cars are woven throughout the fabric of Australian society. From family holidays to road trips, the daily grind and ...
Freezing rain, snow, sleet, and winter weather, in general, are pretty hard to get here in the coastal Carolinas with January ...
Drug sniffer dogs have been patrolling the streets of Scunthorpe over the festive period and helped catch someone who was carrying a knife in public. "Operation Forager" continued to provide ...
January blues are not just for people, as dogs can feel down in the dumps too. Dark mornings, disrupted routines, and the sudden absence of owners who were at home all the time during the festive ...