A watchdog group that aims to expose hypocrisy will would donate $1 million to "Queers for Palestine" or any LGBTQ advocacy ...
Footage retrieved from a downed drone aired by Al-Jazeera shows a bomb being dropped on an unarmed Palestinian man in Gaza.
The event, held under the slogan “End the genocide in Gaza! Stop arming Israel!”, took place outside the venue of the Labour ...
Among the many words spoken about Palestinians fleeing Gaza in our febrile domestic political debate about visa checks and ...
There are many world events now that are hard to take. Many horrors that are hard to watch. Many emotions that overwhelm us.
Instead of being praised as heroes, the US mainstream media has put the interests of Israel ahead of its own people.
The accusation of Western double standards, gleefully amplified by Russia and China, resonated across the halls of UN ...
A Kamala Harris rally has been disrupted by pro-Palestine activists who accused her of promoting genocide and called her ...
The United States has had no qualms about casting its lot with the most openly and thoroughly racist regime Israel has ever ...
On September 18, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution that demanded that Israel immediately ...
There have been various Israeli proposals to exile the Palestinian population to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Democratic ...
Of the UN’s 193 nations, 146 have recognised Palestine as a sovereign nation comprising Gaza, the West Bank and East ...