The UN secretary general’s office reported in early June 2024 that 11 Yemeni nationals working for UN structures had been detained by the Houthis ...
We are not interested in joining any bloc," Kazem Jalali, Iran's ambassador to Moscow, was cited as saying by TASS. Russia has partnerships with North Korea and Belarus which include a mutual ...
TASS/. Russia and Ukraine have exchanged 25 prisoners of war from each side, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. "On January 15, 25 Russian service members were brought back from the ...
Russia-Iran Strategic Pact to Shape Relations for Next 20 Years, TASS Cites Iran's Ambassador MOSCOW (Reuters) - A strategic partnership treaty that Russia and Iran are poised to sign will govern ...
MOSCOW, Jan 14 (Reuters) - A strategic partnership treaty that Russia and Iran are poised to sign will govern the two countries' relations for the next two decades, the TASS state news agency ...
Eesti korvpallikoondise tsenter Matthias Tass näitas teisipäevases FIBA Meistrite liiga võidumängus võimu, kui pani korvi all jõhkra kulbi. Tassi koduklubi Oostende alistas võõrsil Nanterre'i 88:78.
Vahegruppi jõuab meeskond, kes võidab esimesena kaks kohtumist. Tass viibis väljakul 25 minutit, mille jooksul kogus kuus punkti (kahesed 3/3), viis lauapalli, kolm korvisöötu ja kaks ...