New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
There are bills to further restrict kids' cell phone use in schools and to require cursive instruction for younger students.
Bill would further restrict cell phone use and require cursive instruction for younger students. Another proposal would nix ...
New plans are on the horizon for the Comet Bus System after plans to bring a new hub to the Earlewood District appear to be falling through the cracks.
Beloit police reported on Friday that they are looking for a 47- year-old woman, who has been reported missing by her family.
The big story: Comprehensive sex education is becoming a thing of the past in Florida schools. The state has pushed districts ...
From Lake Geneva to Barcelona, here’s some inspiration for a spontaneous spring getaway, organized by how long it takes you ...
The big story: The trend of restricting student cellphone use in school has gained momentum across the nation since Florida ...
Amtrak has a temporary route called "the Floridian." So instead of driving to South Florida, I took a 15-hour round-trip ...
Lori Arguelles, a former NOAA official, spoke to Newsweek about the biggest ways Americans could be impacted by the recent ...
AUTO THEFT >> A vehicle was reported stolen at 4:35 a.m. Feb. 19 from the 1300 block of Lindbergh Avenue, police said.