The Shrouds premiered at Cannes in May, and follows Karsh (Vincent Kassel), a businessman distraught after the death of his ...
Sideshow/Janus Films will release 'The Shrouds', written and directed by David Cronenberg on April 18 in New York and Los Angeles.
The goth subculture is more than just wearing a lot of black clothing and embracing every day like it's Halloween. Although ...
The Old Guard 2' and two Adam Sandler features were among the projects getting updates from executive Bela Bajaria at the ...
Ryan Coogler tells us about the influences–be they historical, horror, or family heritage—on his new vampire movie, Sinners.
Already expecting a high-calibre, heart-pounding production, fans have already dubbed the movie one of the most anticipated ...
Grief is a winged beast that squawks and mocks the living in The Thing with Feathers, the story of a widower struggling to ...
Conclave is not considered an Oscars frontrunner these days, but it could still pull off a Best Picture miracle.
The Thing With Feathers may be based on a book, but it also takes inspiration from an unlikely source — the album cover of ...
Benedict Cumberbatch is committed, but Dylan Southern's 'The Thing With Feathers' is simply burdened by wallowing in its ...
I can’t believe Denzel Washington hasn’t played one particular early civil rights hero in a movie yet. I also can’t believe how few people know about this unknown hero’s incredible accomplishments — ...