The unsettling series, on Viaplay, brings a Swedish kidnapping victim to a detailed reconstruction of a bunker where she was held prisoner.
A FREEVIEW successor is set to impress as it adds eight new channels – check your TV now for more documentaries and true ...
Based on a shocking true story, the gripping drama finds a mother and her three children held captive by a family friend ...
One of the most shocking True Crimes to come out of Chile begins with the mysterious disappearance of a heavily pregnant ...
Jastine Valdez, was abducted in broad daylight while simply walking home. Jastine was taken on May 19, 2018, near Bray, ...
The space between fiction and non-fiction is where you will find Luca Guadagnino's The Protagonists, which is not only his ...
It’s a shocking moment when, halfway through the new episode of Channel 4 ’s gritty documentary series Manhunt, a veteran ...
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
Marcel Theroux is fronting a true crime documentary on the story of Marius Gustavson who removed people’s body parts when ...
A new true crime documentary has left viewers jumping at shadows after one mum made a horrific discovery in her son's room.