In the words of one soldier, Warsaw was ‘a phantom city’. Photo: public domain / Wikicommons. 80 years ago, on Jan. 17, 1945, Soviet and Polish military formations entered Warsaw bringing an end to ...
Among those present was the family of Stanislawa Wasilewska, who was captured by Nazi troops on Aug. 31, 1944, during the ...
Jarosław Trybuś (Warszawa niezaistniała / A non-existent Warsaw 1944, Architecture of interwar Warsaw 1918-1939, Warsaw's socialist realism 1949-1956); Maria Sołtys, Marek Kuciński (The Heritage of ...
The Medical Review Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire conference is an international academic forum whose purpose is to share information, scholarship and views on matters related to learning ...
to destroy Warsaw as the symbol of Polish pride and identity. The destruction was a cultural and human crime. No fewer than 200,000 Poles died in the August 1944 uprising. Many more had been ...
On Aug. 1, 1944, fighting erupted across Warsaw as coordinated units of combatants attempted to reclaim the city from the Germans. The Warsaw Uprising was an attempt to assert a free and ...
Taylor Swift's Warsaw performance falls on the 80th anniversary of the start of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, and sirens will ring out at 5.p.m.