But one problem that was on top of Kaleiki's mind during development was how the "meta" will often stagnate in modern RPGs ...
A WoW house will be shared across the player’s Warband (Blizzard’s new term for each player’s roster of characters), meaning ...
A former WoW designer, Chris Kaleiki, who has 13 years of Blizzard under his belt, reckons that the only real way to keep classes fresh is to take a leaf from MOBAs and Hero Shooters like League of ...
Legacy Steel and Sorcery blends World of Warcraft’s aesthetic with Escape from Tarkov’s traditional extraction gameplay, and ...
As games like Wildstar (and the ravenous way ... It's also much harder to do in one-class-per-character MMOs like WoW, where player attachment to a specific character is a thing—I don't think ...
On February 7, Tyler1 led the OnlyFangs guild into a raid against Baron Geddon, a boss in World of Warcraft. During the raid many players ran away, ignoring the streamers orders to help him with the ...
Some see visions of resplendent light, while others are taunted with ominous warnings from the shadows. One thing is clear: something is coming, as a sinister threat rises from within Azeroth itself.
The mod gives you a nice heads-up for game content you might be ... Going one step further, the WoW addon also shows what all your characters possess, from how much gold they own to if certain ...
The Undermine(d) patch is just around the corner for World of Warcraft players, and the community is already hyped for one mechanic.
Homesteads are coming to World of Warcraft this year. Blizzard Entertainment wants to base them on three pillars and a few minor assumptions.
World of Warcraft players rejoice, player housing will find its way to the game! It's time to come home to Azeroth in your ...