We may think of globalism as a recent development but its origins date back to the fifteenth century and beyond, when seafarers pioneered routes across the oceans with the objectives of exploration, ...
Does anybody know where I can find good translations of the poems of Gorch Fock, aka Johann Kinau, who served on the SMS Wiesbaden during the Battle of Jutland. I am particularly interested in his ...
Hello – I hope this request is ok for this forum. I’m from Brisbane, Australia and a SNR Member and looking for the crew list for the ship Maxwell which made a voyage from London to Melbourne in 1861 ...
Mark, you are correct, I altered it by inserting an electric candle lamp and bulb. i also lined it with shear, pleated fabric for decorative purposes. It was badly tarnished and obviously old and ...
There is no trace of a John Huey in the comprehensive lists of those who were present at the battle = ...
I’ve had the following query from Polly Malby – Can anyone help? While living in the Falkland Islands in the late 1970s, we purchased a beautiful, brass ship’s lantern. The only identifying ...
There is a great deal of detailed information about the practicalities of hoisting screws and other seamanlike evolutions aboard British steam-and-sail battleships in the 1870s and 1880s in the ...
The SHE-SEES exhibition, hosted in partnership with the Lloyds Register Foundation, Portsmouth Historic Quarter and the University of Portsmouth, taps into archive materials from across the UK and ...
A couple more responses forwarded from Polly: “It looks like an American version of the British Davey marine lantern. These were common around 1890. I can’t hazard a guess about which ship it came off ...
I’m afraid I can find no records of a John Huey being commissioned as a lieutenant in the Royal Navy, in fact there is no record of a John Huey at all before the start of the 20C. THere is nothing in ...