Cannabis growing is becoming a legal activity in many countries and states around the world. Thanks to the global wave of regulatory changes, focus is being placed on optimizing cultivation processes ...
El cultivo de cannabis está emergiendo como una actividad lícita en muchos países y Estados alrededor del mundo. Gracias a la ola regulatoria que se está produciendo a nivel global, se está poniendo ...
In recent years, the use of natural biostimulants in agriculture has gained significant prominence. One product that has captured considerable attention is the extract of the marine alga Ascophyllum ...
En los últimos años, el uso de bioestimulantes naturales en la agricultura ha ganado un protagonismo significativo; y uno de los productos que ha capturado más atención es el extracto de alga marina ...
Ces dernières années, le recours aux biostimulants naturels en agriculture rencontre un succès considérable. L’un des produits qui suscitent le plus grand intérêt est l'extrait de l'algue marine ...
In den letzten Jahren hat die Verwendung von natürlichen Biostimulanzien in der Landwirtschaft erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen, und eines der Produkte, das dabei besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt ...
La fertilisation dans la culture du cannabis n'est pas seulement une question de quantité, mais aussi de qualité et de précision. Connaître précisément les besoins nutritionnels des plantes est ...
There are no customer reviews yet Be the first to give us your feedback! Original Auto Critical is reliable, hardy, and easy-to-grow. She's just perfect for growers that require a quick turnaround ...
There are no customer reviews yet Be the first to give us your feedback! Orange Sherbet Auto is a great yielder that will be ready for harvest in 9-10 weeks. Strongly recommended for those growers ...
There are no customer reviews yet Be the first to give us your feedback! Original Auto Northern Lights turns into 90-120 cm high indica-shaped plants with a thick stalk and profuse lateral branching.
Growing cannabis seeds outdoors is the most traditional and natural way to produce cannabis as the energy provided by the sun is used to our advantage. When cultivating in the open air, plants need to ...
I semi di marijuana a predominanza indica sono i re assoluti del mercato della cannabis. A Dinafem Seeds ne siamo consapevoli ed è per questo che i nostri breeder si sono fatti in quattro per riempire ...