In the mountains of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola is a cool, luscious, mist-damp world – an ecosystem known as Tropical ...
Like other gourds, the snake gourd is a member of the pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae) and has seeds similar to its cousin the water melon (Citrullus lanatus), although slightly more eccentric, sporting ...
A letter in the Directors' Correspondence archive describes how the deadly prediction of an old Chinese proverb about bamboo flowering came true. "When the bamboo flowers, famine, death and ...
Gwilym Lewis, Research Leader in Kew’s Comparative Plant and Fungal Biology department, explains how and why some plants are reclassified, and reveals the complications of renaming such an iconic ...
Kew's Director of Science, Professor Kathy Willis, describes the BBC Radio 4 series Plants: From Roots to Riches. The series provides a unique examination of the major breakthroughs in botanical ...
I am an ecologist and plant taxonomist with experience in forest management, forest genetics, and conservation in Amazonia. My interdisciplinary research combines ecological and social science ...
I am broadly interested in evolutionary biology, ecology, and genetics. My past research focused on sexual selection, particularly sexual dichromatism and temporal dynamics in pre- and postcopulatory ...
I have over 20 years' experience in "business and biodiversity," developing corporate biodiversity and social responsibility programmes and partnerships, mainly in the oil and gas sector. I spent ten ...
I am a masters graduate and research assistant working on mycorrhizal ecology as part of the UK government's Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment programme. Other areas of interest include symbiosis ...
As a bioinformatician in the Plant Tree of Life initiative, my role involves providing computational tools for the project's data management and sourcing. Previously, during my tenure as a lead ...
As a researcher at the Millennium Seed Bank, I'm passionate about conserving some of the world's most rare and threatened trees and shrubs. My work is part of the Global Tree Seed Bank programme, ...
I'm a Software Developer and have worked on projects such as the Kew Tree of Life and Tropical Important Plant Areas (TIPAs).