The 27-year-old, known online as Wolfie Kahletti and Wolfie Party, faces a felony count for “introducing poison,” along with three misdemeanor charges for criminal damage, endangerment, and theft ...
The 27-year-old, known online as Wolfie Kahletti and Wolfie Party, faces a felony count for “introducing poison,” along with three misdemeanor charges for criminal damage, endangerment ...
Smith posts public prank videos under the username Wolfie Kahletti on Instagram and TikTok. On Instagram, he has a following of more than 300,000, but he's been banned on Tiktok. Smith faces his ...
Smith posts public prank videos under the username Wolfie Kahletti on Instagram and TikTok. On Instagram, he has a following of more than 300,000, but he's been banned on Tiktok. Smith faces his next ...
Charles Smith, who is known as Wolfie Kahletti on social media, was in court late Thursday night for a third-degree burglary charge. Smith was arrested this past Friday after police said he had ...
Phoenix Fire responded to the house fire call near 83rd Avenue and Thomas Road around 2 a.m. Friday. A man in a Glendale neighborhood says he doesn't feel safe after police officers shot and ...
The TikToker Charles Smith is facing felony charges after he posted a video in which he sprayed pesticide on produce in an Arizona branch of the store.
The 27-year-old online prankster, also known as Wolfie Khahletti to his followers, was taken into custody on December 21, days after allegedly dowsing Walmart’s fresh food in Hot Shot Ultra Bed ...