Atari 7800 Pro System
The Atari 7800 is Atari's most overlooked and under-appreciated console. The console was announced on May 21st, 1984, and was to carry a price tag of $140. The new custom CPU that would power the system was capable of moving 100 objects on-screen at the same and time and displaying a 256 color palette.
Beta 7800+ Updater Builds - Atari 2600+/7800+ - AtariAge Forums
Dec 19, 2024 · The purpose of this thread is to track the progress of Beta 7800+ updater releases. The firmware and dumper+controller code is the result of a tremendous amount of work performed by @batari and @RevEng. The changes made between releases can be quite extensive, so there may be regressions at times...
UniWarS Returns to the Atari 7800 - AtariAge Forums
Nov 27, 2024 · Opcode Games is excited to reveal our fourth Atari 7800 release: UniWarS, a classic Irem arcade game, brought to life by Bob DeCrescenzo. In UniWarS, you pilot a ship at the bottom of the screen, battling waves of enemies in a vertical space-shooter style. Watch out for "space soldiers" dropped by certain enemies—if they reach the bottom ...
Firmware 2.0 -> 2.0.1 - Atari 2600+/7800+ - AtariAge Forums
Dec 6, 2024 · Pitfall 2 and Bump n Jump not working on my 7800+, am at 2.0 firmware and will hope an update will fix them (Pitfall 2 just goes to a mostly yellow screen, Bump n Jump goes to a black screen with static sounds, both work on my original 6 switch 2600).
Popeye 7800 - Atari 7800 - AtariAge Forums
Nov 9, 2020 · Thanks to all who voted Popeye as 2020's "Best Homebrew Atari 7800 (WIP)". A SPECIAL game demo is available on the JS7800 emulator. This demo includes Novice & Expert. Popeye gets 2 lives, but he can earn a 3rd. The game ends after the ship, so POINT PRESSING IS A MUST! The game is 1 or 2 player alternating.
Atari 2600+ in 2025 - Atari 2600+/7800+ - AtariAge Forums
Mar 12, 2025 · Hey all. I just got a standard Atari 2600+ for my birthday and I'm super stoked. My wife and I fired up Maze Craze and played a quick 2 out of 3 (I had an old extra joystick from the 80's laying around and amazingly it worked). I won of course, but I'm sure she let me win because it's my birthday...
E.X.O. Collector's Edition - Atari 7800 – AtariAge Store
E.X.O. Collector's Edition In celebration of MuddyVision's amazing Atari 7800 game E.X.O., we have put together a Collector's Edition of the game! Here's a list of everything included: Collector's Mission Kit (holds all other items in this list). Atari 7800 Game Box, Manual, and Cartridge, featuring new cover art by
7800 + Homebrew compatibility? - Atari 2600+/7800 ... - AtariAge …
Nov 21, 2024 · I think any confusion could be cleared up by answering the question: What is the name of the emulator used in the Atari 2600+/7800+ for 7800 emulation? Originally, it was the RA ProSystem, but it was replaced by porting JS7800 shortly after the initial release.
7800 Venture home brew - Atari 2600+/7800+ - AtariAge Forums
Dec 31, 2024 · What happened is Sun Corp. aka Sunsoft was released an arcade game in Japan, but didn't have a branch in North America. Atari distributed the arcade game in North America. Also Atari Inc. got the port rights to Kangaroo for game consoles and computer. For rereleasing Kangaroo, Atari will need an agreement with Sun for rereleasing the 2600 game.
Any update on A.R.T.I. cart for the 7800? - Atari 2600+/7800 ...
Feb 8, 2025 · As noted, it's available from the store on cart for the 7800+ and 2600+ (both must have latest firmware). Will this work with the 7800+ out of the box with the version 2.0? Thanks