Oct 4, 2005 · Several classes of type 2 diabetes medicines exist. Each class of medicine works in a different way to lower blood sugar. A medication may work by: Causing the pancreas to make and release more insulin. Limiting the liver's ability to make and release sugar.
Aug 22, 2024 · Food, exercise, and medication work together to bring your blood sugar (blood glucose) under control. Over your lifetime, you'll probably handle the disease in different ways. How your body...
There are a few reasons why metformin is the typical first choice for diabetes treatment. It’s unlikely to make your blood sugar dip too low the way other medicines can. And it doesn’t cause...
Many people with type 2 diabetes need to take diabetes medicines as well. These medicines may include diabetes pills or medicines you inject, such as insulin. Over time, you may need more than one diabetes medicine to control your blood glucose level.