Day 5-God Created Birds and Fish – Mission Bible Class
God made birds to fill the skies on the fifth day of creation. The birds had beautiful places to fly and wonderful trees in which they could build their nests and perch. There were plenty of plants with all sorts of seeds and fruits that the birds could eat.
God made birds to fill the skies on the fifth day of creation. The birds had beautiful places to fly and wonderful trees in which they could build their nests and perch.
God Created the World – Mission Bible Class
On the second day of creation, God separated the water above the earth from the water upon the earth and then placed the sky between the two. For the first time, the earth would have experienced an atmosphere and things like clouds, wind, waves, and evaporation.
Printables: Day 5-God Created Birds and Fish - Mission Bible Class
Printables: Day 5-God Created Birds and Fish These printables can be used in a variety of ways, including illustrations for stories, cards to collect and match, bookmarks to take home and small pictures for attendance charts or matching games.
Day 6-God Created Animals and People Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:24-31; 2:7, 18-25 Suggested Emphasis or Theme: God made animals and people on the sixth day. Also, emphasise that people are different from animals in that we are made in God’s image to have a relationship, or friendship, with Him.
Day 1- God Created Light - Mission Bible Class
God is light, and we walk in that light: 1 John 1:5-9; Jesus is light: John 8:12; God’s Word is light: Psalm 119:105; Our good deeds are lights that enable others to see God: Matthew 5:14-16; God’s light means I do not fear: Psalm 27:1
Day 6-God Created Animals and People – Mission Bible Class
Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:24-31; 2:7, 18-25 Suggested Emphasis or Theme: God made animals and people on the sixth day. Also, emphasise that people are different from animals in that we are made in God’s image to have a relationship, or friendship, with Him.
Day 4-God Created Sun, Moon, and Stars – Mission Bible Class
Before the fourth day, there was a type of light, but on this day, God created the sun to give a bright light that was called day. He also created the stars and moon we see in the night sky. Because of this, there could be seasons and time as we know it today.
Day 3- God Created Land and Plants - Mission Bible Class
On the third day of creation, God separated land and sea and caused dry land to appear. God also created vegetation on the third day. The creation must have begun to take on beauty and majesty.
Jun 1, 2022 · 1. Cover: Day 1, God Created Light (Genesis 1:1-5) 2. “In the beginning God created the sky and the earth.” (Open your bible to the beginning of Genesis and show that the words of this verse, Genesis 1:1 are the very first ones in the bible.) 3. You may think of number one as the beginning. But God existed even before the first day of our ...