Is there a list of which PS1 games are/aren't compatible with
Whenever the compatibility question comes up, the answer always defaults to "most PS1 games are compatible with the PS3", which is great, unless you happen to be interested in one of the exceptions. I found this list of compatible games on Wikipedia, but I'm not sure how complete it is.
List of Anti mod chip PS1 games? : r/psx - Reddit
Mar 5, 2021 · Here's a list of PSX games with the LibCrypt protection (infamously known from Spyro 3), might not be complete (there are a lot of PSX games!) but here's a big enough sample size for you to test from!
Any games I should add to the list? My first handheld (Trimui
I only had the PS1/GBC from the list so every other is based of videos on youtube and online reviews Here is the full list of games and consoles that I have in mind atm: 132 games split between PS1, SNES, N64, DC, SATURN, PSP, GBA, GBC, NDS SNES - Donkey Kong Country 2 SNES - Yoshi Island SNES - EarthBound
Is there a comprehensive list of game serial number prefixes
Jan 30, 2024 · SLPS - third-party games, Japan SLPM - third-party games, Japan. what does the M mean? at first I thought these were demos, but there seem to be a large number of SLPM retail games as well.
Is there a list of games included on these systems? : r/SBCGaming
Nov 18, 2023 · Hi, I’m new to this world, sorry if this is obvious or has been asked before. I looked at the wiki but couldn’t find an answer. I’m looking at buying the r36s, is there a way of finding out which games are included on the system? I watched a video review, but that only shows a selection of the games. Specificially I am wondering if Metal Gear Solid is included among the …
What are your must-play PSP/PS1 games? : r/PSP - Reddit
Mar 16, 2021 · For the PS1 I would say Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII is a must have. Two of the best games ever made. Other PS1 titles I have that I play sometimes are Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (Better than the Tony Hawk they released for the PSP), Gran Turismo 2, Resident Evil 2&3, Silent Hill and Crash Bandicoot 1,2&3.
Complete list of every PS1 JRPG (including unlocalized) ever
Jun 11, 2021 · Golden age of jrpgs: final fantasy 7-9, tactics, parasite eve 1-2, chrono cross,xenogears, suikoden 1-2, wild arms, persona 2, valkyrie profile, alundra, arc the lad, dragon quest 7, grandia, the lunar remakes, saga frontier 2, legend of the dragoon, tales of eternia, star ocean 2 and so on. And if you got a ps3 you can play them all without breaking your ps1 …
Is there an up to date compatibility list of PSone games ... - Reddit
Apr 22, 2018 · I plan on getting myself a PSP Go for PSone games. The thing is I can't find any good sources on how PS1 games fare on the most up to date CFW. I want to know beforehand before I buy one only to realize that some of the games I intend to play on it have emulation issues in any way or form.
Does anyone have a list of every 4 player PS1 game? : r/psx - Reddit
Mar 25, 2020 · Hi everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone has a list of every 4 player PS1 or PSX game? I have a multitap and want to know all the 4 player games. It doesn't matter whether they are split screen or co-op just looking to find them out. Thank youtrue
[WIP] 6.61 PRO-C PSX2PSP Compatibility List (NTSC-U)
Sep 2, 2020 · I was planning on testing all games from all regions, on PSP & Vita (Adrenaline) and documenting the results. I was planning on making a beautiful custom web site with a fancy table, displaying the compatibility of every PS1 game in user-friendly glory. 1.5-2 years later, I'm only down to the letter "D" of NTSC-U region games.