ROKU app for Windows 10 laptop - Microsoft Community
Apr 16, 2019 · The Roku app for Windows allows Roku users to control their Roku player over their home network. Features include: - Search for movies, shows, actors, or directors and easily launch the content on your Roku player or TV.
Roku App on Windows - Microsoft Community
Jun 18, 2022 · Is that right? First, you can visit Roku - Microsoft Store Apps (microsoft.com), then click " Get in Store app " on the right, then you will be prompted to open the Microsoft Store, and then you can try to download and install it.
Jun 16, 2024 · Hello bill boyd2, Welcome to Microsoft Community. It seems that you are having an issue about using Roku on Windows 11. I will do my best to help you. Here are some of my suggestions: Roku does an app for Windows 11, but it is not what you think it is. Roku app for Windows allows Roku users to control their Roku player over their home network.
Official Roku PC App for Windows Available? - Microsoft Community
Jul 30, 2020 · " The Official Roku PC App is now available in your PC's Windows 10 Store which can be downloaded for Free." I did locate the app in the store, yet it states that it is unavailable.
How to install Roku on windows 10? - Microsoft Community
Apr 3, 2021 · Roku does an app for Windows 10, but it is not what you think it is. Roku app for Windows allows Roku users to control their Roku player over their home network.
Microsoft Movies & TV app for Roku - Microsoft Community
Jul 8, 2019 · Why is there no Microsoft Movies & TV app for Roku? I can stream movies and shows to my various Roku devices that I buy from Google Play, Amazon, and many others.
How to watch Microsoft TV apps on Roku? - Microsoft Community
Jun 20, 2019 · I am currently using a TV with Roku built in and was wondering if there is a way to watch my purchased episodes on the Roku. I cant find any Microsoft app on Roku.
Movies and TV App for roku? - Microsoft Community
Mar 15, 2019 · Why is there no App support for Roku? I'm Not interested in 3rd party apps, hooking up my tablet to my Tv. All I want is the same ability to watch my paid for Microsoft Movies and Tv shows,like I do with Amazon Prime Video. If I can't watch what I buy from microsoft on Roku there no incentive to buy from microsoft.
Where is the Microsoft Movies & TV app for iOS, Android, and Roku?
Feb 25, 2025 · The Microsoft Movies & TV app made for the competitor’s echosystem has been “in the works” for years.... Microsoft, with Windows, is the largest operating system in the world.
How to watch TV shows On a smart TV Bought at the Microsoft …
Aug 11, 2022 · This question has absolutely nothing to do with Movies Anywhere, because, TV shows, are not allowed, on the, Useless, movies anywhere app. How do I watch the 1,080 TV show, episodes I've bought over the last 15plus years, on a regular Smart TV? not my phone, not a tablet, a regular TCL Roku Tv.