Snes9x is the result of well over three years worth of part-time hacking, coding, recoding, debugging, divorce, etc. (just kidding about the divorce bit). Snes9x is coded in C++, with three assembler CPU emulation cores on the i386 Linux and Windows ports.
Snes9X.COM: Downloads
Snes9x.COM: Downloads . Downloads: Here is a list of all the known available mirrors for Snes9x. ...
Snes9X.COM: News
Snes9x 1.5: Snes9x v1.5 has been released. Tons and tons of internal core changes were made to make Snes9x way better than before, and work on more platforms than before. Unforunetly since the Windows port is radically different than every other port of Snes9x, and no one cared to maintain the Windows port, this release will not have a Windows ...
Snes9X.COM: Developers Journal
Snes9x 1.5: Snes9x v1.5 has been released. Tons and tons of internal core changes were made to make Snes9x way better than before, and work on more platforms than before. Unforunetly since the Windows port is radically different than every other port of Snes9x, and no one cared to maintain the Windows port, this release will not have a Windows ...
Snes9X.COM: News
At long last, Snes9x 1.40: On behalf of numerous programmers in our own development forum, we are releasing an update to Snes9x 1.39. We have put a significant amount of effort into fixing bugs and making the entire emulator more accurate. At the same time, wider support for special hardware games has been worked on, and in cases completed.
Snes9X.COM: Developers Journal
Snes9x 1.42 Released! Happy Holidays from the Snes9x dev forum! We've got several new and (maybe) exciting features as something of an early Christmas. See changes.txt for full details, since it’s more practical to offer only the highlights. First of all, the long project of rewriting the Windows UI is complete.
Snes9X.COM: Screenshots
The Snes9X team is not connected or affiliated with any mentioned company in any way. The opinions of the ...
Snes9X.COM: Developers Journal
(Snes9x 1.39 superscope didn't work for me at all, I guess now you all know what I was trying to fix) I'm also upset I didn't try building from the source tarball. The Win32 project files do not like being in linux format, and you can't compile without first flipping them.
Snes9X.COM: News
Snes9x Linux (PowerPC) 1.39 Released Finaly got my grubby little hands on the 1.39 source, so here it is! Also of note, i made a very small fix to make the music sound better in the Gundam Wing: Endless Duel intro, Raiden's "Go to Blazes" music, and a couple of others.
Snes9X.COM: News
A small update has been done to the DOS port of Snes9x, there were a few small bugs, here's a list of changes: Changes 1.26 to 1.26b-----Fixed a bug in the config file support, which caused Snes9x to 'do nothing' when no rom was loaded from the command line. Snes9x would fail to run anything and would show only a black screen.