What is the difference between "speaking" and "talking"?
There is the phrase "talking without saying anything", which implies idle chatter and not a lot of meaning. So for me, speak is more formal and more precise than talk. (That applies both to …
Why is 'sheep' the same when talking about one or more than one?
Dec 2, 2011 · This answer is somewhat overrated. There are lots of OE neuters with identical singular and plural forms that form regular plurals in modern English, like "land" and "thing", …
tenses - 'talking about' vs 'talk about' - English Language & Usage ...
May 29, 2018 · First, I'd like to thank you for your comment. As far as I'm concerned, the present progressive doesn't sound right in that context since the phrase "When we are talking about …
'May I speak to....' vs 'May I speak with...' vs 'May I talk to...'
What is the difference between “speaking” and “talking”? What is the ideal opening line for a phone conversation? In my opinion, 'speak to' would ideally denote a one-sided conversation …
What verb can I use to describe someone who is talking very …
Dec 21, 2015 · Her eyes widened. "Jonathan," she cried, "what happened to you?". The reporting verb, to cry suggests that the speaker spoke instantly and showed deep concern at the same …
What are the words to express sobbing and crying sound?
Jun 24, 2015 · Google doesn't help much. What are the sounds (written in words) that people usually use to express their crying/sobbing emotions such as in chat, social network? For …
word choice - "Walk the walk" vs. "talk the talk" vs. "walk the talk ...
Aug 23, 2014 · The original saying (attributable to some "motivational speaker" whose name I do not remember), going back to perhaps 1980, is something along the lines of "he can talk the …
word choice - What shall I use, "with" or "to"? - English Language ...
Apr 25, 2017 · The form "talk to" is found rather more often used, though "talk with" is not uncommon by any means. Interestingly, there seems to be a subtle difference between …
Formal expression for "talking about something unrelated"
What are some words or phrases that can be used when a person is discussing a particular subject with a group of people and unintentionally she/he talks about something unrelated? I …
"hypothetically speaking" vs "theoretically speaking"
May 18, 2018 · "Theoretically speaking," and its more scientifically correct cousin "hypothetically speaking," are used to introduce an informal idea or question, often one that might seem silly …